
100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 12

I’m learning SwiftUI by following the “100 Days of SwiftUI” on https://www.hackingwithswift.com/.  So far, so good.  I’ve completed day 12, however it’s definitely taken more than 12 days.  Having a day job has meant I’m not always able to dedicate the time required each day.  But that’s ok, I’m going at my own pace determine to complete the 100 days.

I’ve developed apps in the past using UIKit and Objective-C so these concepts aren’t all that foreign to me.  That has helped to keep me coming back for more.  Day 12 was definitely one of the more dense days so far.  But my UIKit background helped it make sense.

At this point I’m really looking forward to Day 16 when we get our first taste of SwiftUI.